Birthday: April 3rd 2004
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 9th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoud for the past 10 years.
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? I am the only girl in my family.
What was your favorite memory from summer school? My favorite memories from summer school is the time spent with my friends.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The Covid 19 caused a huge economic stress and it is the world’s most acute crisis in our age.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship changed my life because I was able to pay my school fees. The scholarship helped me a lot.
What is your educational and career goal? My educational goal is to be successful and to become Government Minister. I want to attend University of Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar-Senegal
What is the message you would like to send to other girls around the world? I would tell all girls around the world to stay in school and to keep learning.
Do you have any message to Friends of Gueoul? Thank you Friends of Gueoul. I am proud of you. I would like to continue with programs that you provide since that helps me a lot with my grades.
What additional help would you like to receive from Friends of Gueoul? I need to improve my grades and I would like to take an additional classes to help me with that.

Birthday: March 25, 2000
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 12th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul? I have been receiving scholarship for 13 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school? My favorite memory from summer school are the lessons that helped me during the school year. I also enjoyed studying French and philosophy
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The Covid 19 pandemic has affected many things in my life like the fact that we stayed home without going to school. The population suffered a lot due to the coronavirus, and our academic studies are not complete. I failed my final exam this year; I need reinforcement classes for a better understanding of my classes and to be ready for next year. I have to repeat the class.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from Friends of Gueoul has changed my life on several levels because when I receive it I buy my all necessities (and more) that I need for school. If I had not receive the support my parents would provide everything I need for me.
What is your educational and career goal? My educational goal is to succeed, and my career goal is to become a doctor. I would like to attend a Private University.
What is the message you would like to send to other girls around the world? My message to other girls: trust yourself, do not get married sooner and keep on studying with the help of friends of Gueoul
Do you have any message for Friends of Gueoul? I’m very grateful to Friends of Gueoul. Please continue helping girls to go to school.
(Diodio is a Senegalese name for Judy Beggs, one of the founders of Friends of Gueoul)
Fatou had an accident when she was less than 10 years, she lost one of her legs and she walks with crutches but she is good, she is one the best student.
What additional help would you like to receive from Friends of Gueoul? I need extra classes to help me better understand my classes and to prepare me for the next year.

Birthday: August 6th, 2003
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 10 th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 11 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school? The summer school is very good in my life because it is very important for me as a student. I am very happy when I go to the summer school. The lessons I receive during the summer’s school help me quickly understand when we attend regular academic school. In addition, it helps us not to forget last lessons we have learned.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The COVID 19 pandemic has affected my life in many ways. The Covid 19 affected us because it is difficult to find food; also, we are at lockdown at home and nothing is possible. It was difficult.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from Friends of Gueoul changed my life. It allowed me to eat, pay my school fees… With the help, we are adapting better in the life. Without the help, my family will be poor.
What is your educational and career goal? I want to finish my studies and I would like to be a teacher. I would like to go to Cheikh Anta Diop University if I graduate high school. I want to finish my studies without problem and early marriage.
What is the message you would like to send to other girls around the world?My message to other girls is” Do not stop your studies and keep going!”
Do you have any message for Friends of Gueoul? My message to friends of Gueoul is not to stop classes because they are important. Because of you, we are good student. I need support to improve my studies, and we would like you to find good teachers for us.
What additional help would you like to receive from Friends of Gueoul? I need support to improve my studies, and we would like you to find good teachers for us.

Birthday: June 3rd, 2006
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 7th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul? I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 8 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school? My favorite memories from the summer school is when we received the bourse. The summer school is something very important because it helped me through the school year. Summer School helped me a lot because all lessons I learnt during that period ware useful for our next school year. Also, I have good grades with subjects I focused on during summer school.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? I can’t go to school because the pandemic of Covid 19, the number of sick peoples is increasing day by day in our country. The pandemic destroyed all, particularly our studies.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from Friends of Gueoul changed my life. My life would be difficult without the help because there is no one in my family to who can support my schooling financially.
What is your educational and career goal? I would like to have a good education and to be successful in life. I want to attend University of Gaston berger of Saint Louis, Senegal. I would like to be a gendarm (policewoman) or to play basketball. I would like to help my family.
What is the message you would like to send to other girls around the world? My message to other girls: Study, study, study because that is the essential.
Do you have any message for Friends of Gueoul? Thank you friends of Gueoul. You helped me a lot!
What additional help would you like to receive from Friends of Gueoul? I would like to take additional classes so that I can be more efficient at school

Birthday: March 13th, 2002
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 12th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul? I have been receiving the scholarship for 12 years
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? Adjaratou Ngnangna Diallo, Bachelor Degree + 3 (Bachelor Degree is equivalent to USA’s high school diploma)
What was your favorite memory from summer school? Summer School is very important for me because it helped me to get ready for the next academic year in advance. We have many opportunities at the summer school to improve our competences in several subjects such as mathematics, English, French.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? It has disturbed our studies because we did not finished the second semester, and it is very difficult to respect certain measure of social distancing. We had not finished program and is not good for our next school year.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship is very important, it helped me to get all the necessities, and reduced expenses from my parents as the subscription, supplies, and others. Without the help, my life would be similar as it is now. My family takes care of me and tries to do their best to make me happy, but the scholarship really makes easier to get all things that I need for my education.
What is your educational and career goal? I want to success in my study and to be well known in my country. After my studies, I have two dreams: the first is to be policewoman the second a business woman. They are two things I really like in this world. My educational goal is to successfully finish my studies, to be well known in my country and to participate in the development of Senegal. I would like to go to UGB (University Saint Louis Gaston Berger)
What is the message you would like to send to other girls around the world? The message that I would like to send to other girls is: to keep on yours studies please! It is very important for us! Girls education help girls to find good job. A country without education will stay poor forever. We need to stay in school for the benefits of our future and our countries.
Do you have any message to Friends of Gueoul? I am very thankful for the Friends of Gueoul, for all their help and scholarship. You bring a lot of joy to all of us. I don’t know how to express my gratitude for everything you do for us, for all your hard work that you do every day to help girls that are living kilometers from you country.
What additional help would you like to receive from Friends of Gueoul? I would like to take additional classes in English, French and philosophy. I also need a computer because it is difficult for us to always go to the Informatique to do searches. We have lessons to learn at home, housework sometimes….
One thing I would like to share is to have a library so that we can read and find books if possible.

Birthday: 01/04/2009
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 11th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 12 years.
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? Mame Diara Mbaye my sister finished 5th grade
What was your favorite memory from summer school? My favorite memory from summer school was the time that I spent with my friends. I remember last year the summer school was very helpful for me, to be ready to begin senior year of my high school.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The Covid 19 pandemic has affected my life, for example my studies
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from friends of Gueoul did change my life; it gave me an opportunity to have something that I would not otherwise have. My life would be difficult and I if I have not received the support from Friends of Gueoul.
What is your educational and career goal? I would like to attend to University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar if I graduate from high school. My career goal is to become a policewoman.
What is the message you would like to send other girls around the world? My message to other girls: Learn before doing other thing and do not get married young.
Do you have any message for Friends of Gueoul? I’m very proud of Friends of Gueoul, Diodio really helps me.

Birthday: April 2nd ,2001
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 12th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul? I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for the 13 years
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The pandemic didn’t have affect on my life so far.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? If I have not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, my life will never change for the better.
What is your educational and career goal? My professional goal is to obtain Bacherlor Degree and be successful in my life. I would like to receive high school diploma, so I can attend University of Thies in Senegal. To make it happen, I need to attend summer school and receive additional support for my academic growth.
Your message to other girls around the world: Continue your studies and don’t get married before you finish the school
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: Thank you a lot Friends of Gueoul!

Birthday: January 4th , 2005
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 8th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 9 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school? At first, we learnt news things, new lessons that will be a part of our next year program. Secondly, teachers were very kind to explain material we didn’t understand during the year.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The pandemic affected us so much. We have been staying at home for 7 months without going to school.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from friends Of Gueoul did change my life because with the money of the scholarship I buy clothes and other necessities for school. If I have not received the support from Friends of Gueoul my life would have many challenges.
What is your educational and career goal? My educational goal is to grow my intelligence and to learn different languages. I want to attend to the University of Gueoul. My career goal is to become a lawyer to defend vulnerable girls and women.
Your message to other girls around the world: We must go to school because it is important for the life.
Do you have any message for Friends of Gueoul? Friends of Gueoul, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. May success be with you!
Thank you Friends of Gueoul.
All girls want to learn because of you.

Birthday: September 1st ,2006
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 8th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul 9 years.
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? Awa Diop 11 grade
What was your favorite memory from summer school? During Summer school, I learnt important things and I remember Mathematics and English ‘classes that were very useful.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The pandemic destroys everything and delayed my studies
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from friends of Gueoul change my life. With the scholarship I was able to buy everything that I need for school. Without the scholarship, my life would be complicated because there are no other persons that can support me.
What is your educational and career goal? I would like to be a fire fighter. I would like to be a doctor and heal the sick. And I want to be successful in my life.
Thank you very much Friends of Gueoul

Birthday: October 6th ,2002
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021:10th
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 14 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school? I was very happy during last summer school because we had the opportunity to learn during holidays. It was very helpful and the final test gave me courage to prepare the school year.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The famous pandemic destroyed all our lives and all of our activities, particularly my studies.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change my life in two different ways. First, it paid for my school fees, and second I was able to attend additional classes that were important for me. If I didn’t receive the scholarship, my life would be simple. I always like going to school and hope to find a good job when I finish.
What is your educational and career goal? I want to succeed and I want to become a doctor. I would like to go to University of Gaston Berger of Saint Louis if the one in Gueoul is not ready to welcome students yet. I want to make my family and my friends proud of me.
Your message to other girls around the world: I advise girl to go to school, don’t abandon school and don’t get married young. The key for our success is learning.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: Thank you Friends Of Gueoul for all your help, especially to Diodio.

Birthday: January, 07th, 2003
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 09th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 10 years
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? Aminata goes to NIANG at University
What was your favorite memory from summer school? It is hard to choose just one favorite. I like that summer school prepares me for classes during regular school year
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? Because of Covid 19 we missed all our studies and all our projects were delayed.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship changed my life because it helped me to buy school supplies, clothes and other necessities. There are people in my family that help me to, so I think my life would be that same if I have not receive the scholarship.
What is your educational and career goal? I would like to attend to University Gaston Berger of Saint Louis, Senegal. My educational and career goals are to become well educated and to work either as the ministry of education of a doctor. I would like to treat the sick people and help my parents.
Your message to other girls around the world:No matter what, rain or snow, we have to study!
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: Thank you Friends of Gueoul, I cannot thank enough! You are doing noble thing with us, which help us to be the best students. I am successful because of you.

Birthday: February 5th, 2001
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: I will be going to college
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul 13 years.
What was your favorite memory from summer school? The help that we received, was my favorite memory from summer school. Also the success of our exam is thanks to God but also it is for teachers who were in Gueoul high school.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? Covid 19 greatly affected our life especially our studies, but with the help from God we have the chance to pass our exam, so we say thanks to God.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from friends of Gueoul was very helpful for all of us, especially me because it helps a lot to our parents, who would otherwise need to pay for us. If we had not received the support from friends of Gueoul it will be very difficult, and maybe I won’t continue my studies even though my parents will try to help me.
What is your educational and career goal? My educational goal is to obtain a lot of knowledge, because the knowledge is priceless. I would like to succeed with my studies and help my parents and all who need it. My career goal is to study medicine. I would like to attend University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar and also would like to have my own computer for my studies.
Your message to other girls around the world: My message to other girls is to work hard at school and to graduate, and to have a lot of knowledge. Education is very important in life.
Your message to the Friends of Gueoul: I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you! You all are very helpful, especially Baye Thierno Ndiaye, Makhfou Diop, Diodio Sylla. We are here because of you.

Birthday: October 27th, 2007
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 7th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul 7 years
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? Mame Diarra Wade TS
What was your favorite memory from summer school? I was very happy to attend last summer school, especially for the computer that we used to learn English and other subjects. The test at the end of summer were very helpful and adorable.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The COVID 19 pandemic has affected my life and the life of the other people a lot. It disrupted my studies as well as made me to be lonely, because I do not even have freedom to socialize because I worry about my health and the health of other people too.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship of Friends of Gueoul has changed a lot in my life because since it came, all my needs are in order. For example my clothes during openings, my registration. Additionally, the scholarship also helped my parents by greatly reducing their expenses. If I had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, I would do my best to be able to meet my needs. But I trust in God who can change seriously my life for the best.
What is your educational and career goal? My goal career is to be a lawyer so that I can serve justice to people who do not have it. I want to attend to UGB University of Gaston Berger of Saint Louis, Senegal Also, I would like to be able to help my parents.
Your message to other girls around the world: Dear other girls around the world, I advise you to respect your values and studies because in this world where we are it is equality that matters. I tell you to do your best to become like the Friends of Gueoul who are our role models.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: Dear Friends of Gueoul, I thank you for all that you do for us, you are kind and you also have good hearts. I would be grateful to you my whole life. May God show you the best path ever made.

Birthday: August 7th , 1999
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: I hope to go to a University
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 14 years
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? High school
What was your favorite memory from summer school?
My favorite memory from summer school is studying English and math.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The Covid 19 pandemic has affected many things especially for us students because the most of us were not able to finish the school year. Fortunately, I was able to pass my final exam.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? Friends Of Gueoul has changed my life a lot because it made my studies easier by buying school supplies and by paying extra classes for me. It would be much harder for me, have I not receive the help from Friends of Gueoul.
What is your educational and career goal? My goal is to go to France and study computer science there, and to travel the world. I would like to have my own a computer for my futures studies and my passion for the technologies.
Your message to other girls around the world: My message to other girls is to work hard and believe in yourself, and everything will be fine.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: Thank you Friends of Gueoul! It is because of you that we are successful.

Birthday: December, 19th 2005
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 7th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 8 years.
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? 3 years of schooling after high school.
What was your favorite memory from summer school? My favorite memory from summer school is meeting the students from different schools, and making new friends.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? COVID prevented me to go to a regular school year. Prevent to do an school year regular
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship helps me to pay school fees. Without the scholarship, I wouldn’t be able to take classes.
What is your educational and career goal? I’m at school since 2014 and I have finished my primary studies. Now I’m in 7th grade and would like to be a doctor. I want to attend the big universities such Harvard University
Your message to other girls around the world: I ask girls to go to school, learn science and the new technology
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: I want to thank friends of Gueoul and ask them to provide more activities that are practical for us.

Birthday: August 25th, 2004
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 9th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 10 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school? Since I have started summer school, I had good and bad moments. But obviously with an overall outlook it was my one of my best experience. One of my best favorite moment was the friends gathering. Everyone looks so happy and everything was fine.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The pandemic covid 19 affects all of us. For example, there is no weekly market anymore and no activities for our parents.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? In Gueoul, I feels like a new world for me. I was lost on my first days but days after days I started making friends that were like guardian angels for me. They showed me a new perspective and a new way to look upon the world. It is like the saying that each person is a book where secrets were hidden and these secrets can only be revealed by love and friendship. The scholarship change my life because I am able to fulfill all my needs. Without the scholarship, life could be difficult but we would fight to survive day by day.
What is your educational and career goal? During the last summer school, I was thinking that I would like to take IT classes. I would like to improve my studies by going to Gueoul, focus on additional classes and let down all other things that are not important for me. If The University of Gueoul will be available, I would like to continue my studies in Gueoul.
Your message to other girls around the world? I would tell all girls around the world to stay in school and to keep learning.
Your message for Friends of Gueoul? Friends of Gueoul was always here since I was a little girl. Friends of Gueoul, you are exceptional. Thank you to all.

Birthday: 04/03/2002
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 12th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul? I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 10 years.
What was your favorite memory from summer school? My favorite memory from summer school was when we did journalism with people from America. During the last summer school, I learned a lot and I retained almost everything we learned during summer.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The Pandemic really affected us because we didn’t have time to finish the school year.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from friends of Gueoul changed my life and gave me hope. If I had not received the support from friends of Gueoul, I would not be able to go to school. The scholarship pays my school fees and motivates me to do better in school.
What is your educational and career goal? My goal is to be a lawyer. I want to be able to help poor people.
Your message to other girls around the world: I advise other girls of the world to learn and go to school because education of girls is very important for our society. If you educate a girl, you educate a whole society
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: What Friends of Gueoul does is a noble gesture. You do great job!

Birthday: November 11th, 2002
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 12th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 13 years
What is the highest grade other girls in your family finished? Secondary school/High school
What was your favorite memory from summer school? The summer school stayed in my mind because I realized how blessed we are to be supported by Friends of Gueoul, comparing with other students who are not attending summer school.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The pandemic Covid 19 affected us in many ways: school closed their doors, we have to distance from each other and we stay at home.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship from Friends of Gueoul changed my life; it’s very helpful for our parents because it provides a financial support for all our needs.Without the help, our life could be difficult because our parents have other expenses on their hands.
What is your educational and career goal? I want to continue my studies and have a good job. I want to improve my knowledge and become a great person in my country. When I get my high school diploma, I would like to attend University of Gaston Berger of Saint Louis, Senegal.
Your message to other girls around the world: My message to other girls is not to neglect studies to find husbands, but to continue their educational because when your educate a girl you educate a whole nation.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: I am very grateful to Friends of Gueoul because without friends of Gueoul many girls would not be able to attend school. Thank to friends of Gueoul because you really helped us, particularly Diodio and her partners. We are inspired to do better and have good grades because DioDio and her team help us and we have to do better to make them happy.
Thank you Friends of Gueoul! You give a meaning to life to all the girls in Gueoul.

Birthday: November 6th, 2005
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: Grade 8
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 17 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school?
My favorite memory from summer school is taking English and French classes. I was recognized as a best student in English and French classes in the summer of 2018 and I received the prize for it.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The COVID 19 psychologically and morally affected us. No class, no school because the pandemic is contagious.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship is very helpful. The scholarship allows me to pay school fees, to buy clothes and it also is helpful to my family. Without the help, my life will be very difficult because I have no support from my family, which probably would affect my studies.
What is your educational and career goal? I would like to be an IT woman and my educational goal is to succeed in my studies, obtain diploma and to work. To help me to be better at school, I need more books, documentation, and supervision for my classes. My goal is to attend University Gaston Berger of Saint Louis if I have bachelor degree.
Your message to other girls around the world: I say to other girls to stay at school and study and do not under estimate yourself
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: I like Friends of Gueoul. Thank you for your financial and educational support. Others things that I have to tell is gratefulness and encouragement towards friends of Gueoul and please continue helping girls

Birthday: May 4th, 1997
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: Nursing science and Obstetrics Private University (2nd year)
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 15 years
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The PANDEMIC covid 19 is very hard.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship has really changed my life. Without the help from Friend of Gueoul, I would have no chance to go to University.
What is your educational and careergoal? My goal is to become successful midwife.
Your message to other girls around the world: I advise girls to work hard
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: I thank Friends of Gueoul from the bottom of my heart.

Birthday: January 24th, 2001
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 11th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 12 years.
What was your favorite memory from summer school? Summer School is very helpful for us; mostly English that we spoke a lot during summer school.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The PANDEMIC covid 19 has destroyed our studies.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship changed my life; it is very important and helps a lot for fulfilling my needs.
Maybe without the scholarship, my life could be difficult but the scholarship is very important for our studies. It is helpful to be able to take additional classes.
What is your educational and career goal? I would like to be successful, and to improve my knowledge and life. I would like to be a flight attendant. I want to take more English classes and go to University Gaston Berger of Saint Louis if I graduate from high school.
Your message to other girls around the world: Please focus on your studies and do not get married young.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: I’m very grateful for Friends of Gueoul, they help us a lot to succeed. Thank you DioDio, May God protect you and your partners.

Birthday: March 3rd, 2003
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 7th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 11 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school? Summer school is very important because it helps us to redouble our efforts to have good grades in our next academic school year.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The PANDEMIC covid 19 affected us so that no one was able to go to school and have social activities.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? When I receive the scholarship, I gave the half to my mother and used the other half to buy supplies and clothes. Without the help, it could be difficult for me to fulfil my needs.
What is your educational and career goal? If I ever got my high school diploma, I would attend the University of Gaston Berger of Saint Louis, Senegal to study law and become a lawyer.
Your message to other girls around the world: I want them to keep on studying until they have a job. Without studies, nothing can be done.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: I pray of Friends of Gueoul to get bigger; they are very important for our studies.I am very grateful of Friends of Gueoul. You have done many important things for the development of Gueoul’s education.

Birthday: April 5th, 2005
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 7th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 9 years.
What was your favorite memory from summer school? Summer school is very important for my studies because it helped me to review my lessons and prepare for the next year classes. My favorite memory from summer’s school when we laid down on paddleboards and talked about that we want in our lives and about our families.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The Covid 19affected our live by overthrowing our education. We have been staying at home for 6 months.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship of friends of Gueoul really changed my life because I am able to buy school supplies. Since we do not have to pay back the scholarship, we can fully focus on our studies.
What is your educational and career goal?
The goal of my life is to become an engineer in IT. I would like to attend Universite Cheikh Anta Diop in Dakar.
Your message to other girls around the world: Every female human being has a right to live a life that they want. You have the right to be safe. I advise other girls to learn and give their maximum to consider their studies.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: Thanks a lot! Thanks for everything! I am successful because of you. Please keep helping girls. You are doing an exceptional work. You helped us a lot. You are doing nice things and we‘re wondering how our lives would be without you. Thank you again!

Birthday: December 1st, 2001
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 12th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 13 years
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The PANDEMIC covid 19 destroyed our studies: no class, no events …
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship is very important for me because it helps me to have means of learning.
Without the scholarship, my life would be difficult.
What is your educational and career goal? I would like to attend University of Dakar if I get my high school diploma. I would like to be a state nurse.
Your message to other girls around the world: Study before doing anything else and don’t get married young.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: Thank you Friends of Gueoul!

Birthday: October 22nd, 1999
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 12th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 13 years.
What was your favorite memory from summer school? Summer school was the best alternative for students because we always understand the teacher more than in our regular classes.
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The PANDEMIC covid 19 affected us because it disturbs our studies: there are no class, no activities…comparing to other years we lost a lot of things.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship helped us a lot because we bought our supplies and clothes so that we can shamelessly stayed at school with other students. And also our parents benefit from that help.
Without the scholarship, my life won’t be disturbed. I could be helped by my family and near relatives.
What is your educational goal? I would like to graduate high school and to be an engineer. I would like to attend University of Thies, Senegal.
Your message to other girls around the world: I encourage girls around the word to work hard and have a good job so that they can help other girls one day.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: I thank Friends of Gueoul. You have been helping me for 13 years to have a good education and to know how to behave well.
Birthday: February 2nd, 1999
Grade you will be attending in 2020/2021: 12th grade
How long have you been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul: I have been receiving the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul for 14 years
What was your favorite memory from summer school? Summer School helped us a lot, particularly English and French language classes
How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life? The PANDEMIC covid 19 affected the studies because we were not able to finish our program.
How did the scholarship from Friends of Gueoul change your life? If you had not received the support from Friends of Gueoul, how would your life be different? The scholarship had changed my life. Without it, my life could be difficult for my studies and my parents.
What is your educational and career goal? Total success and to become customs officer. I would like to take additional classes for French and literacy. I would like to attend University.
Your message to other girls around the world: I would like to tell other girls to attend schools and learn as long as they can.
Your message to Friends of Gueoul: I thank Mrs Diodio, Baye Thierno, Makhfou and the rest of the team