Financial & Annual Reports

2022 was a special year of growth:
a message from our Executive Director

Dear Friends of Guéoul Community, In this annual report, I want to reflect on the years that have passed since I started working with co-founder Judy Beggs in 2019. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for everyone connected with Friends of Guéoul: The dedication and commitment of our board, staff, volunteers, and donors has allowed us to expand our mission and
establish FoG even more within the community. A special mention goes out to our staff in Guéoul, especially Makhfou, our Field Director, who has been with us since 2009 and leads our dedicated staff of teachers and learning assistants. Most importantly, we must acknowledge and admire the young boursières and their families who work tirelessly to achieve an education while bettering the world around them. Continue reading here!

2019 Annual Report

Initiated by a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV), Judy Beggs, and Co-founder John Montaña, Friends of Guéoul, Inc. has evolved from a simple scholarship program into an array of supplemental education programs that provide resources for students, teachers, and the community of Guéoul as a whole. he list of social benefits that stem from girls’ education is seemingly inexhaustible. Research shows that girls’ education is the key to a nation’s economic success. Educated girls are healthier, less likely to marry early, less likely to start a family too young, and less susceptible to abuse and human trafficking. Every year a girl spends in school pays dividends for a lifetime, not just to herself but to her family and community. Continue reading here.

2011 Annual Report

Letter from Board President John Montaña Faces of Guéoul, Faces of Hope

Hello, and welcome to the inaugural edition of Faces of Guéoul. If you know about the Friends of Guéoul and our work in Guéoul, Sénégal, then you’ve seen the happy, vibrant, mischievous faces of our young scholarship girls. If not, you’ll be excited to discover the important work being done there: our scholarship program for Guéoul’s poorest girls so they can attend and continue in school, the Noos Club art program, our extra-curricular tutoring program, and the internet café and computer classroom. I recently returned from Guéoul, where I had a first-hand look at how things are progressing. Continue reading here.